“Special Needs, use ICT, Drop papers”, договор № 2017-1-PT01-KA219-03850_2
Координатор – Цветанка Владимирова
Участници – ученици от 9 Б клас с ръководител Живка Янчева
The SNIDeR (Special Needs, use ICT, Drop papers) project hopes to be a compass of new tools and methodologies to do an effective integration in classrooms of all students with special educational needs and without, introduce the idea of a Personal Learning Environment (PLE ) through the building of an electronic portfolio (e-Portfolio). The key words of the project are: ICT; colaboratives practices; curriculum articulation ( languages, history; art; economy; biology; ICT).
This project is complementary to other projects in the 5 partners schools, and we all want to improve inclusion education with ICT, know new cultures and share new tools ICT in a innovational education.
Each institution has a team of teachers with high skills in education and they decided to cooperate and share their good experiences.
In the project there are different public, including students with special needs, different country and regions, believe that local development bring global improvement and overall improvement brings local improvement. In this project there are different public , including students with special needs, different country and regions, believe that local development bring global improvement and overall improvement brings local improvement.
The applicant organization, Portugal, Agrupamento de Escolas de São João da Talha promotes an official education and training system. It has a deep experience in classmate computers with integration ICT, using of b-learning and a very experience with special needs inclusion, social inclusion, racial, gender and linguistic projects. The others partners have experience in European projects and have the same goals on improving teaching with ICT and collaborative work.
Besides the direct impact on the students and teachers participanting, the project will have a direct and an indirect impact on the partner institutions on innovation in teaching, promotion on service training for teachers, improving the teaching/learning environment, improved cooperation and collaboration between teachers and teachers and students, increase the use of new teaching and learning resources integrating ICT, use of new teaching and learning methods, greater commitment of students and parents, increase the number of successful students with and without disabilities, improved the quality of the education and inclusive education in partner institutions; make our schools as reference schools at the national level for the inclusion of students with special educational needs.
Проектът SNIDeR (Специални нужди, използване на ИКТ, не на хартията) се надява да се научим да използваме набор от нови инструменти и методологии за ефективна интеграция в класните стаи на всички ученици със специални образователни нужди и чрез изграждането на електронно портфолио. Ключовите думи на проекта са: ИКТ и практики на сътрудничество..
В проекта ще се включат ученици със специални нужди, което ще доведе цялостно подобрение на обучението им.
Освен прякото въздействие върху участващите ученици и учители, проектът ще има пряко и непряко въздействие върху институциите-партньори върху иновациите в преподаването, подобряването на средата за преподаване, по-голяма ангажираност на учениците и родителите, увеличаване броя на успешните ученици с и без увреждания, подобряване на качеството на образованието и приобщаващо образование в партньорските институции.